Lesson From A Farmer

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We recently celebrated the feast of St. Isidore the Farmer (San Isidro Labrador), patron of Saipan. He is likewise the patron of farmers, day laborers, and agriculture in general. St. Isidore was known for his daily devotion to morning mass, encountering Jesus in the Eucharist. However, his devotion would often irritate his fellow workers. They would complain that Isidore was often late to work and neglecting his duties. So one day, when the boss went to investigate their claim, he found St. Isidore at prayer while an angel was doing the work for him. On another occasion, the boss saw two angels assisting Isidore in the fields, so that his work was equal to that of three laborers.

I think the greatest lesson God teaches us through St. Isidore’s life is to trust. Everyday Jesus invites us to trust in His providence. No doubt St. Isidore was a hard worker and lived a difficult life. Any farmer would know that farming requires lots of manual labor, sweat, dealing with weather, and patience. Domesticated animals need food and water and the crops need to be taken care of in the fields. However despite the workload, San Isidro always found time for the Lord. He made time for prayer and worship of Jesus at Holy mass.

I know that many of you have difficult jobs. If you neglect your job, then naturally you cannot survive in today’s world. Some of you also do lots of manual labor to support yourselves and have busy lives with your families. Yet San Isidro’s life should inspire us to never neglect our relationship with the Lord. To try our best to make it to Sunday Mass and to make time for God in daily prayer, even for just 5-10 minutes. Listen to the words of Jesus in the gospel, “I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing” (Jn 15:5).

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