Lent: PRAY

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A designated day to pray for peace: February 23

The three pillars of the Lenten season:

Pray….. Fast…. Give

There is an opportunity to focus our prayer this Friday, February 23rd which will be the first Friday of the first full week of Lent. Make a note on your calendar so that you will remember to participate.

All of the Fridays during Lent follow the “Law of Abstinence” which is the practice, for all Catholics above age 14, to refrain from eating meat.

In keeping with that tradition, Pope Francis has designated the very first Friday of Lent, Friday February 23rd, as a worldwide day of fasting and prayer for peace in the world but especially for all those who continue to suffer in South Sudan, the Congo, and in Syria. He invites all people of all faiths to join in the prayers.

“Everyone, in their own consciences, before God, should ask ‘what can I do for peace?’ Surely, we can pray but not only that: each one of us can say ‘no’ to violence in their own way, because victories obtained through violence are false victories, while working for peace benefits all.” – Pope Francis

Let us pray:
Lord Jesus, we adore your cross
which frees us from sin, the origin of every division and evil;
we proclaim your resurrection,
which ransoms us from the slavery of failure and death; we await your coming in glory,
which will bring to fulfillment your kingdom of justice, joy and peace.
Lord Jesus, cast forth the shadow of your cross over peoples at war;
may they learn the way of reconciliation, dialogue and forgiveness;
let the peoples so wearied by bombing experience the joy of your resurrection:
O Virgin Mary, Queen of peace,
you who stood at the foot of the cross,
obtain from your Son pardon for our sins;
you who never doubted the victory of his resurrection, sustain our faith and our hope;
you who are enthroned as Queen in glory,
teach us the royal road of service and the glory of love.


(adapted from USCCB site, a prayer of Pope Francis)

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