By Rose Gamier
Four Decades. That is how long the Legion of Mary in Guam has been in existence. And on February 9, 2020, Legionaries gathered to celebrate its 40th Year Anniversary. Representatives from Saipan Immaculate Conception Curia, the council which oversees the Legion of Mary in the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa, joined the event with three Curia Officers – Sr. Rizalina Cano, Sr. Lourdes Leong and Sr. Rosanna Gamier and three Active members – Sr. Tess Reyes, Sr. Armela Ham, and Sr. Jimaela Ham.
The celebration began with the Legionaries attending the Eucharistic Celebration last Sunday, 9:30 am, at the Dulce Nombre de Maria Cathedral Basilica in Hagatna, Guam, presided by Archbishop Michael J. Byrnes of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Hagatna. It was followed by a fellowship at the Chamorro Ballroom of the Pacific Star Hotel. A Legion altar was setup at the front center of the venue which was teeming in red as majority of the members were wearing the color of the Holy Spirit, also the color of Ruby, traditional symbol of 40 years.
In his Welcoming Remarks, Fr. Dan Bien, Spiritual Director Vicar of Legion of Mary Guam Comitium, noted how the Legion does a “very effective, low-key” apostolate in the church – very simple and unassuming just like the Blessed Mother. Fr. Mike Crisostomo, the Pastor of Saint Anthony de Padua Church in Tamuning, Guam encouraged the Legionaries to remain devoted to Jesus and continue to visit the sick, homebound, those who need help, and reconciliation in their marriage, and other areas in their spiritual life. He also called to pray and promote for more vocations as the island need more priests. To be “salt” and “light” of the earth, this was the reminder of Fr. Gerry Hernandez, Spiritual Director at Dededo, Guam, to all the Legionaries and encouraged them to spread love and light drawing inspiration from the Mama Mary herself.

The event allowed the Legionaries to showcase their talents as dance numbers were presented by several praesidia including Saipan Legionaries who happen to be the only off-island visitors in the gathering. Ms. Ingrid Sanchez, a former active choir member of Mt. Carmel Cathedral in Saipan, who is now based in Guam, was invited by Saipan Legionaries, and delivered a moving rendition of “Ave Maria” and “You Raise Me Up,” which brought many listeners into tears.
It was a beautiful, joyous occasion which allowed the members to enjoy the presence of one another and honor the Blessed Mother. Sr. Carmen Leon Guerrero, Guam Comitium President, called on the members to remain strong and committed and always keep in our hearts the promise we made as Legionaries as we forge ahead with our duties.
From the first correspondence in 1948 between, then Vicar Apostolic in Guam, Msgr. Felixberto C. Flores and the Senatus of the Northern Philippines, to the first meeting of a small group of Korean Catholics in the home of Fr. James Che sometime in December 1979 and the eventual arrival of Mrs. Consejo B. Hautea, a Legionary from the Philippines, to establish a praesidium (the basic / smallest unit of the group), indeed, the Legion of Mary has come a long way.
In Guam alone, the Legion Comitium oversees 18 senior praesidia and 10 Senior praesidia. It also has under its wing, 6 praesidia from the Korean Curia, 6 praesidia from Saipan Immaculate Conception Curia, one Junior and Senior praesidia in Chuuk and one praesidium in Palau. Combined, that is nearly 300 soldiers of the Blessed Mother helping in the mission of the Church to bring Christ to the world and the sanctification of souls!
We extend our warmest greeting to the Legion of Mary and pray that they may continue to grow not only in number but in faith and service. To Jesus through Mary…