Karidat Social Services’ First “Our Lady of Karidat Fundraiser Luncheon”: A Report

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We islanders are not going to let a bit of flooding get in the way of a good time.

So on the morning of Sunday September 15th when, about fifteen minutes before Karidat’s first “Our Lady of Karidat Fundraiser Luncheon” was scheduled to begin, the streets of Garapan started to overfill from rainfall accumulation of monsoon-like downpours, the banquet room at the Hyatt also began to fill up with honored guests, supporters and board members.

Bishop Ryan P. Jimenez presided at the occasion which was a celebration of Karidat’s partners, donors and work of service to some of the most in need in our community. It was a chance to recognize a few of our most faithful and selfless partners over the years (though we could not mention all of you!), and we also want to be sure to express our gratitude to all of our generous event donors. Thanks to you we were able to raise a total of $65,877.

Karidat Social Services is humbled by the support of so many generous individuals and organizations. Thank you to all who attended our very first signature fundraising event. Under the patronage of Our Lady of Karidat, we look forward to more years of charitable work and service.

Thank you for standing with us and may God bless you!

  • Bishop Emeritus Tomas A. Camacho – Spirit of Service Award
  • Awarded to Sister Stella Mangona, RGS
  • Faith, Hope, and Karidat Award – Recognizes devotion to reducing poverty, promoting recovery, and strengthening families.
  • Awarded to Bobbi Grizzard
  • Partnership in Service Award – Recognizes a person or entity that generously supports and partners with Karidat in providing social services.
  • Awarded to Mercedarian Missionaries of Berriz
  • Corporate Champion Award – Recognizes a generous donor to Karidat Social Services
  • Awarded to Bank of Guam

Mercederian Missionaries of Berriz Sisters receive Partnership in Service Award

Bronze $1.00 to $999.99

Our Lady of Karidat

Signature Fundraiser – September 15, 2019

Donor levels

  • Angie Guerrero
  • Herman’s Bakery
  • Joeten Ace Hardware
  • Kautz Glass
  • United Filipino Organization
  • YCO

Silver $1,000 to $4999.99

  • Carmen Safeway Enterprises
  • HBR Construction
  • IT&E
  • JCT Enterprises
  • McDonald JCA Inc.

Gold $5,000 to $9,999.99

  • Joeten Daidai Foundation

Platinum $10,000 +

  • Bank of Guam

Total raised: $67,877.00

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