Guidelines & Directives for LENT, HOLY WEEK & EASTER SEASON for the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa – Music, Creed, Holy Oils.

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As we continue our awareness on the recently approved Guidelines and Directives for Lent, Holy Week and Easter Season here in our Diocese, this week will conclude the awareness on Lent and will address the Sacred Triduum next week.


  • In order that we preserve the penitential character of the Lenten Season, the playing of the organ and other musical instruments are allowed ONLY to support the singing with the exceptions of the Fourth Sunday of Lent (Laetare Sunday) and on all solemnities and feasts. (GIRM, #313)
  • The GLORIA is not sung or recited during Lent until Holy Thursday, except for solemnities and feasts.
  • A greater use of SILENCE during the liturgy may be highlighted during the Season of Lent.
  • Entrance Hymn – An entrance hymn is appropriate during the season of Lent. Lenten hymns can be found on the Today’s Missal and Breaking Bread Hymnals.
  • Responsorial Psalms – Responsorial Psalms can be chanted.  Some options may include (a) chanting the entire psalm (verse and refrain) or (b) chanting only the refrain and reciting the verses.
  • Gospel Acclamation – Gospel Acclamation may be sung. Some options available for the Lenten Gospel Acclamation are:
  • Glory and praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ!
  • Glory to you, Lord Jesus Christ, Wisdom of God the Father!
  • Glory to you, Word of God, Lord Jesus Christ!
  • Glory to you, Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God!
  • Praise and honor to you, Lord Jesus Christ!
  • Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ, King of endless glory!
  • Marvelous and great are your works, O Lord!
  • Salvation, glory, and power to the Lord Jesus Christ!
  • Alleluia – No ALLELUIA or song(s) that contains the ALLELUIA will be sung during the entire Lenten period.
  • Service Songs – Service Songs (Holy Holy, Memorial Acclamation, Great Amen, Our Father and Lamb of God) MAY BE SUNG during the season of Lent.  In planning for the service song, choir directors must be mindful of the theme of Lent which is SIMPLICITY.
  • During the Lenten weekdays, appropriate Lenten hymns can be sung as Gathering hymn, Offertory hymn, Communion hymn and Dismissal hymn.  It is not necessary though to sing four hymns, however, maybe at times one hymn can be omitted.


During Ash Wednesday and all Sundays of Lent, the Nicene Creed will be substituted by the Apostles’ Creed including the Season of Easter and all Sundays of Easter.


  • Each year when the Bishop blesses the oils and consecrates the chrism, pastors should see that the old oils are properly disposed of by burning and that they are replaced by the newly blessed oils.
  • A suggestion is to burn the old oils in the Easter Vigil fire.
  • The oils must never be diluted merely to fill the volume of oil for display in the ambry.


  • A reception of the oils may take place at the Mass of the Lord’s Supper.
  • In the procession of the gifts, before the bread and wine, the oils are presented in suitable vessels by members of the assembly.
  • The text for this reception will be forwarded to parishes by the Diocesan Worship Commission.

It is my hope that this awareness of our approved guidelines is helpful in understanding its contents.  If there are any questions or suggestions in improving this section, please email those suggestions to Margaret DelaCruz at  Thank you and may God bless us all.

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