For Kids: What are the 7 Principles of Catholic Social Teaching?

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1. God made each person unique and special. Each of us is so valuable that there is not enough money in the world to exchange for a single one of us!

2. We are not made to be alone: God placed us in families, communities and societies and each of us has the right to have some say about our lives.

3. Peace and safety are rights, and working toward them is a duty—for each one of us.

4. God has a special love for the poor and the weak and each of us needs to look out for one another but especially for the most vulnerable.

5. Work is how people provide for themselves and their loved ones. Pay and work conditions should be safe, fair and adequate.

6. We should look out for everyone’s needs as if they are our own family; after all, we are all God’s children.

7. This world is a gift from God and we must respect for all of life. That means we must work to protect all of God’s creatures and creation. 

(excerpts for this were inspired by: and

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