February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

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The CNMI is observing Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month (TDVAM) for the third year in a row. If you are concerned about violence in dating relationships, or if you are a teen currently in such a relationship, remember that

you do not deserve to be abused


you are not alone

There are local and national resources already in place to help you get the support you need.  On Saipan, Karidat operates a 24-hour helpline and an emergency shelter for those in immediate danger.

There are also a lot of quick links and great information just an internet search away, at loveisrespect.org and on Twitter @loveisrespect  (#1Thing  #TDVAM2020)

You will find:

  • Statistics and information about dating violence
  • Misconceptions about dating abuse
  • Tips on how to stay safe online
  • Resources for parents who might want to help but don’t know how to begin
  • Helpline information and anonymous counseling over the phone (1-866-331-9474)
  • Resources for teachers
  • Take the healthy relationship quiz at https://www.loveisrespect.org/for-someone-else/is-my-relationship-healthy-quiz/

If you or someone you know is trapped in a violent or abusive relationship and you need help, Karidat’s 24-hour Victim Hotline number is: 234-5100.

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