“Enabler or Disabler”

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There are those who undermined or misunderstand other people’s disabilities and incapacities. Instead of discriminating them we must have compassion and be nice to them because they are God’s children and human as we all are. As Christians we must treat them with dignity and respect just as Jesus did with Bartimaeus, the blind man at the roadside in Jericho who was calling out to Him “ Have pity on me”, he said.” While the crowd was telling him to shut up, Jesus stopped by him and asked him saying; “What do you want me to do for you?” In doing so, the Lord asserted the blind man’s human dignity, gave him respect and importance by giving him his precious time and attention. It was not a condescension as we do when helping someone in need, but an empowerment on him by Jesus. “Go your way, your faith has saved you.” For Jesus, anyone, regardless of color, race, cultural or social orientation or background, is worth stopping for. The greatest disrespect comes from people who look down upon the less fortunate in our society, those who are mean, arrogant and proud who discriminate and belittle the poor, the weak and the ignorant. Do you have time to stop by and attend to the lost, the least and the last in our midst? It’s a soul- searching question we all must answer because this will be God’s question to each of us at the time. Find time to read Mt. 25: 31-46. It’s very inspiring and edifying to know that there are “enablers” among us. They give and share what they can and have for the needy and the poor. They are patient with the weak and the elderly, understanding and forgiving someone’s mistakes, their words are kind not mean, they have concern for the miserable and those living in the fringes of our society. They readily and joyfully respond when there’s need of their time, talent and treasure. They are the biblical good Samaritans in the midst of our greedy and selfish world. Are you one of them? Blessed are you if you are! On the opposite side, there are talkers who spend time talking on and on badly about other people’s lives. Among this breed are the bullies, stalkers, bashers and faultfinders who “disable” somebody’s reputation or destroy down the bridge of peace and forgiveness. They put up defenses and walls by their pride, refusing to admit their mistakes and sins. Are you one of them? If you are, go to Confession and reconcile with God and your neighbor, then you’ll have great peace.

Still farther up the road, there are the hard-headed and stone-hearted individuals who, as mentioned by our Retreat Master, are the kind of people who refuse to retire or give up power and authority even when they are already old, sickly and weak. They cling like leech to the ivory chair of prestige and honor in the name of service, than giving others a chance. The name of the game is “detachment” just like what Jesus asked the rich young man in the Gospel, Mt. 19: 16-30. to sell what he has and follow the Lord. It is difficult though to detach or give up something of much value to us, said our Retreat master, but it’s doable with the help of Almighty God.

On the flip side, someone said that the secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old but on building the new.  If what you’re asking for is delayed, God will come through for you, keep the faith, the best is still to come. Sometimes we worry too much about the outcome of things. We should realize that God has already taken care of it. Prayer is bringing all your worries and wishes to God; Faith is leaving them there. You should remember that God doesn’t give you a dream that matches your budget. He’s not checking your bank account. He’s checking your faith. Not all who wander are lost. No matter how hard the past, you can always begin again. A faithful friend is one of the best things you can have, and one of the best things you can be. When there is Crisis, that’s when Christ is. Amen in that folks!! St. Faustina wrote; “The Lord gave me a heart to know, during meditation, that as long as my heart beats in my breast, I must always strive to spread the Kingdom of God on earth. I am to fight for the glory of God. ( Diary 1548).

Pray the Divine Mercy every day. Daily pray the Chaplet of Mercy and the Holy Rosary for peace in our families and in the world. Join us in our Healing Mass at San Vicente church every Wednesday at 6 pm. There’s anointing of the blessed oil of San Roque. Experience God’s healing on you.

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