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I just left my cardiologist’s clinic at the 3rd floor to see another doctor at 10th floor of St. Luke’s Hospital in Taguig City. Philippines on Tuesday August 7, 2018 when I wrote this article. While at the waiting area waiting for my turn, I was inspired to write something of what my cardiologist said earlier after reading the result of the tests for my heart yesterday. Fortunately, Carmel, my niece brought her Laptop. My medical check-up was due to light and uncomfortable pain in my left chest bothering me for quite some time. I silently prayed for the good result of the tests. The doctor said something that jolted my nerves and slammed my senses. He said in Tagalog,” Nakakainis”, meaning, “Annoying”. For me, it sounded like a verdict was about to be meted for a crime committed. But what a sudden twist of the gnawing moment into a gleeful spurt when it turned out to be just a bluff. He said; “The results of the tests are very good, don’t blame your heart when you feel something again, your heart is strong and nothing wrong with it”. I felt so much comfort and joy and praise God for his goodness and mercy!

The heart sends information to the brain and the brain to the heart. The heart responds to the brain and the brain to the heart. For some people, the heart is the culprit when love turns grim and grisly. They could not understand why they keep on loving the undesirable and the unlovable. They could not understand why their heart beats for compassion for the belligerent and black sheep child in the family.

Don’t blame your heart when you think you’ve loved a wrong person. Don’t blame your heart when your marriage broke down. Don’t blame your heart when you can’t forgive and forget. Sometimes the heart has a reason which reason can’t understand. Don’t blame your heart when you feel chest pain or discomfort. Don’t panic but consult your physician, especially the Doctor from Nazareth, Jesus, the Son of Mary and Joseph.

On the other hand, thank your heart for being happy when you wake up in the morning. Thank your heart for the joy with your family and loved ones, for being grateful to a favour received, for the excitement for your forthcoming baby, for forgiving the offender and loving the poor. Remember that the brain feels it and the heart quickly responds to it. Other organs don’t give any kind of reaction to our emotion but the heart does. It is the most sensitive organ of our body that is connected to our brain.

On the flip side, someone said one kind word can change someone’s entire day. Don’t treat people as bad as they are, treat them as good as you are. Sometimes you know the value of the moment until it becomes a memory. Remember that life doesn’t require us to be the best, only that we try our best. Repentance is not when you cry, it is when you change. For a reason you cannot see right now, God wants you to wait. God uses tough times to test your persistence. Sometimes God puts a Goliath in your life, for you to find the David within you.” Amen on that folks!!

St. Faustina wrote Jesus’ words: “How fleeting all earthly things are. Everything that appears great disappears like smoke. ( Diary 1141).

Pray the Divine Mercy prayer every 3 p.m. Daily pray the Holy Rosary for peace in our families and throughout the world.

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