Diocese steps up effort to connect to people through digital communication and social media

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In response to Vatican’s reform on communication, the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa is now active in disseminating information online by its new responsive website www.rcdck.org for the diocese and an online version of the North Star Publication at www.northstar.website.

To provide a better user experience, the new website is compatible and renders easily on various resolutions, screen sizes, and browsers. Being aware that more than 58% of American adults own a smartphone and almost 60% of all website traffic is from mobile devices – the diocese website is designed to different types of devices.

The diocese also created Facebook, Twitter & Instagram to easily share diocese news and announcements and to connect to all parishioners. As Pope Francis said that the internet, text messages and social networks are ‘a gift from God’. “Communication, wherever and however it takes place, has opened up broader horizons for many people. This is a gift of God which involves a great responsibility. I like to refer to this power of communication as ‘closeness’.”

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