Diocese of Chalan Kanoa Liturgical Guidelines for Holy Week 2022

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The Bishop is responsible in his respective Diocese for the liturgical life of his people and has the ability to make prudent decisions concerning the celebration of Holy Week in 2022 so that the liturgy can be celebrated prayerfully for the People of God and for the good of the souls entrusted to his care and at the same time being mindful of the protocols as it relates to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Below please find the following guidelines/instructions for the celebration of Holy Week 2022 in the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa.


1. All liturgical celebrations must follow established protocols, e.g., capacity for which the parish is certified, temperature taking, hand sanitizing, social distancing, etc. Please note that effective Saturday, March 26th, the wearing of masks is now a personal choice of whether the individual wants to wear a mask or not.

2. Parishioners are encouraged to bring their Palm Branches.

3. The Second Form (Solemn Entrance) is preferred and may be used in parishes that can safely accommodate it. For the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa, the Second Form (Solemn Entrance) will be used with minor modifications due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

The Second Form (Solemn Entrance):
a) The faithful will remain in the pews holding their palm branches.
b) The priest and Deacon (if any) and other ministers begin the Solemn Entrance inside the church or just outside of it. (Antiphon, blessing of the branches, proclamation of the Gospel of the Lord’s entrance – see Roman Missal on Holy Week nos. 1 – 8 for the Rite of Blessings of Palms)
c) The procession to the sanctuary follows while the Gathering Hymn is sung and Mass continues with the Collect.



4. Chrism Mass will be celebrated on Wednesday, April 13th at 7:00 PM at Mount Carmel Cathedral.

5. All liturgical celebrations must follow established protocols, e.g., capacity for which the parish is certified, temperature taking, hand sanitizing, social distancing, etc. Mask wearing is based on personal preference.



6. All liturgical celebrations must follow established protocols, e.g., capacity for which the parish is certified, temperature taking, hand sanitizing, social distancing, etc. Mask wearing is based on personal preference.

7. Presentation of the Oils is an optional rite and not mandatory. Pastors/Administrators have the option to decide whether they want to include this rite in their respective parishes during the Mass of the Lord’s Supper.

Washing of Feet

8. The washing of feet WILL take place this year. Pastors/Administrators will have the discretion of ensuring that covid protocols are complied with.

Transfer of the Most Blessed Sacrament

9. The Transfer of the Most Blessed Sacrament is to take place.
a) The Place of Repose is to be set up. A space large enough and with ample ventilation must be used to accommodate the faithful who wish to pray before the Blessed Sacrament.
b) Only a small number of people are to be involved in the procession (i.e., priest – led by incense, cross and candles ministers); ensuring social distancing is maintained.
c) The faithful who are not part of the procession will remain in prayer in the main church or another location until they are able to enter and pray safely before the Blessed Sacrament.
d) The tradition of visiting churches to pray before the Blessed Sacrament after the Mass of the Lord’s Supper IS PERMITTED.
Note: Because temperature taking and social distancing is still a requirement, parishes should ensure that pandemic protocols are complied with.

GOOD FRIDAY: (April 15)


10. All liturgical celebrations must follow established protocols, e.g., capacity for which the parish is certified, temperature taking, hand sanitizing, social distancing, etc. Mask wearing is based on personal preference.

Addition to Solemn Intercessions:

XI. For an end to the pandemic
Let us pray, dearly beloved, for a swift end
to the coronavirus pandemic that afflicts our world,
that our God and Father will heal the sick,
strengthen those who care for them,
and help us all to persevere in faith.
Prayer in silence. Then the Priest says:

Almighty and merciful God,
source of all life, health and healing,
look with compassion on our world, brought low by disease;
protect us in the midst of the grave challenges that assail us
and in your fatherly providence
grant recovery to the stricken,
strength to those who care for them,
and success to those working to eradicate this scourge.
Through Christ our Lord.
R. Amen.

12. The cross is to be covered with a violet veil. (see Roman Missal: Good Friday, no. 15)

13. The Adoration of the Holy Cross is to take place.

I: The Showing of the Holy Cross

a) Either the first or second form of the showing of the Cross may be used
(see Roman Missal: Good Friday, no. 15 – 16)

II. The Adoration of the Holy Cross

a) The Adoration of the Holy Cross will take place:
Only one Cross should be offered for adoration. If, because of the large number of people, it is not possible for all to approach individually, the Priest, after some of the clergy and faithful have adored, takes the Cross and standing in the middle before the altar, invites the people in a few words to adore the Holy Cross and afterwards holds the Cross elevated higher for a brief time, for the faithful to adore it in silence. (Roman Missal: Good Friday, no. 19).

b) Because of COVID-19, the faithful may process to the front of the
church but are to be instructed to venerate the cross with a bow or a genuflection only.

1. Ministers may hold the cross at the front of the sanctuary and the faithful may process forward single file, observing social distance, and venerate the cross by genuflecting or bowing without TOUCHING or KISSING IT.

2. Consider holding cross at top of step into the sanctuary so people do not forget and automatically touch or kiss the cross.

14. The communion rite takes place as usual: the altar is covered with cloth and candles, and then the Blessed Sacrament is carried to the altar from its place of reservation. Following communion, the Sacrament is returned to the tabernacle or its previous place of reservation (Roman Missal: Good Friday, no.29).

15. Following the liturgy, the altar candles are removed, and the altar is stripped; the cross remains in place for a time.

NOTE: For the Vigil: If the “Såntu Intieru” is to be put side by side with the venerated cross, the Venerated Cross should be replaced by another cross without the Corpus. (Guidelines & Directives for Lent, Holy Week & Easter Season for the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa: Good Friday, no. 14)

16. The tradition of visiting churches to pray before the Venerated Cross and “Såntu Intieru” after the service IS PERMITTED.

NOTE: Because temperature taking and social distancing is still a requirement, parishes should ensure that pandemic protocols are complied with.
If needed, barricade the Venerated Cross and the Såntu Intieru to avoid touching or kissing. A suggestion
would be to put a sign “Please NO touching or kissing” in front of the Santu Intieru.



17. All liturgical celebrations must follow established protocols, e.g., capacity for which the parish is certified, temperature taking, hand sanitizing, social distancing, etc. Mask wearing is based on personal preference.

18. For indoor gatherings, the use of individual handheld candles by the ministers and faithful at the beginning and during the renewal of baptismal promises is permitted.


19. The Roman Missal states: “The entire celebration of the Easter Vigil must take place during the night, so that it begins after nightfall and ends before daybreak on the Sunday” (no. 3, Easter Vigil in the Holy Night).

The Blessing of the Fire and Preparation of the Paschal Candle

20. Due to social distancing requirements, the congregation should not crowd around the Easter fire and should remain in the pews, while the blessing and preparation are to take place. Parishes may want to utilize the use of modern technology in order to maximize participation.

21. Only the celebrant and ministers should be present for the blessing of the new fire.

NOTE: If possible some of the faithful would be able to see from their seats inside (i.e., keeping the doors open if weather permits). This will greatly depend upon the layout of each parish.

The Easter Proclamation

22. The Easter Proclamation may be made, in the absence of a Deacon, by the Priest himself or by another concelebrating Priest. If, however, because of necessity, a lay cantor sings the Proclamation, the words Therefore, dearest friends up to the end of the invitation are omitted, along with the greeting The Lord be with you.

23. For the sake of brevity, due to the ‘serious pastoral circumstances,’ the number of readings from the Old Testament may be reduced, always bearing in mind that the reading of the Word of God is a fundamental part of this Easter Vigil. At least five readings should be read from the Old Testament, both from the Law and from the Prophets, and their respective Responsorial Psalms should be sung. Chapter 14 of Exodus and its accompanying canticle are never omitted.

NOTE: Seven Readings, namely five from The Old Testament and two from the New Testament (the Epistle and Gospel)

Baptismal Liturgy

24. You may choose to only have the Renewal of Baptismal Promises if there are no Elect or Candidates.

25. If there are none to be baptized, it is still permitted to bless water in the font, provided it is emptied after Mass and not available for the faithful to bless themselves with.

NOTE: After the Homily the Baptismal Liturgy begins. The Priest goes with the ministers to the baptismal font, if this can be seen by the faithful. Otherwise, a vessel with water is placed in the sanctuary (Roman Missal: The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night, no. 37)

26. The sprinkling rite at the end of the Renewal of Baptismal Promises is encouraged.

Initiation Rituals

27. For those who will be baptized, please keep in mind that new water is to be used for each person. Baptismal pools should not be used this year. A separate towel must be used for each person.

28. When there are multiple people being baptized and confirmed, for Confirmation and pre-baptismal anointing, SANITIZE and DRY hands in between each anointing.

29. Baptism should occur by pouring, not immersion.

The following activities WILL TAKE PLACE:
a. Carrying of the cross to Mt. Tapochao on Good Friday.
b. Procession or “Lukao” on Good Friday.
c. “Sunrise Mass” on Easter Sunday at Mt. Tapochao

Prepared by: /s/ Margaret C. DelaCruz
Commission on Worship

Approved by: /s/ Most Reverend Ryan P. Jimenez, DD
Bishop of Chalan Kanoa

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