His Excellency Ryan P. Jimenez, DD and Dr. Rita A. Sablan, unveiled a copy of the new Diocesan Pastoral Plan during its official launching last Thursday at Joeten-Daidai Social Hall. The launching was attended by the clergy, religious, youth and faithful of the diocese.

Diocese of Chalan Kanoa Launched the New Diocesan Pastoral Pan

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In the presence of the clergy, religious, youth and parish representatives and the local media, His Excellency Ryan P. Jimenez, officially launched the new Diocesan Pastoral Plan, which will mark a road map for the journey of the diocese in the next five years.

The simple yet historical event was held at Joeten Daidai Social Hall last Thursday, December 28, 2017. It was a moment to look back and a moment to look ahead. In his opening remarks, Bishop Ryan gratefully acknowledged the effort of ‘those who came before us’.   “I thank those who came before us who built our churches, prayed with us, led us through self-determination, impacted our families with the hope of Christ, and left heartfelt imprints on the formation of Christianity in the Commonwealth. Too numerous are they whose efforts over the past years helped paved the way for us to be here and exist now as Church – missionaries, popes, cardinals, bishops, priests, sisters, families, benefactors, governments, schools, seminaries, and other Dioceses – I thank God for them and their contribution to the faith.”

The new Pastoral Plan, (the third in the history of the diocese), will provide a framework for the plan of action of the diocese. This is the product of a series of prayerful gatherings, group discussions, parish consultations, community meetings, and alternate sessions which was spearheaded by the Pastoral Planning Committee throughout this year.

During the ceremony, Bishop Ryan and Dr. Rita A. Sablan, who is the chairperson of the committee, unveiled the newly printed handbook containing the Pastoral Plan. “Now the work begins anew,” says Bishop Ryan as the diocese enters the important phase of implementing the now completed Pastoral Plan.

“I’m very excited and very proud”, says Andrea Manese, a youth from Mt. Carmel Parish. “I hope and pray for its implementation.” Mr. Vir Abueme, a teacher of Mt. Carmel School also reiterated the importance of the implementation of the Pastoral Plan. “This is something very good but now it needs to be implemented,” he said.

The clergy and religious of the diocese posed for a group photo with Bishop Ryan during the launching of the new Diocesan Pastoral Plan.

Some of the clergy and religious also expressed their excitement in the new Pastoral Plan. “As in any journey, we need direction. Now we know where we are going,” says Fr. Romil Aperocho, the Pastor of San Antonio Parish. Sr. Stella Mangona, RSG said that she is energized and inspired because now we are doing something. “I pray that this Pastoral Plan may take us to every corner of our parishes,” says Dr. Sablan.

Bishop Ryan appealed for continued prayers and assistance and urged unity in action. “. I request for your continued support and patience as we overcome challenges and work to meet the rewards. I request for your continued dedication in the name of the Nino Hesus whose birth we still celebrate. Let us take action to ‘love Christ, live in Christ and to serve Christ’.”

The immediate work to be done is to disseminate copies of the Pastoral Plan to the faithful. “No plan be can implemented if no one knows about it. The first step that you can take now is to please take a copy of the plan with you to read and share with your families, friends, co-workers and anyone that you think can benefit from or contribute to it,” says Bishop Ryan. Copies of the Pastoral Plan will be also published in the Chamorro, Carolinian, Tagalog and Korean languages. The plan will also be available digitally on the Diocesan website: www. rcdck.org and may be electronically downloaded for reference.


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