Diocese of Chalan Kanoa launched a new cycle of Permanent Diaconate Program

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The Diocese of Chalan Kanoa is preparing to start up a new group of men to be formed for the permanent diaconate. The following are some basic information on the formation program.

What is Permanent Diaconate

Permanent diaconate is a lifetime commitment to ministry in the Catholic Church. By virtue of the ordination, permanent deacons are members of the clergy. They are ordained not to the priesthood but to the ministry.

Diaconal ministry consists of: the Ministry of the  Word (teaching & preaching), the Ministry of Worship (assist at liturgy preside at paraliturgical services and some sacraments) and the Ministry of  Service/Charity.


Those who may enter the Permanent Diaconate Program must be baptized Catholic in good standing and completed the sacraments of initiation (baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation).

If married, he must be in a marriage recognized by the Catholic Church. He must be at least 30 years old at the time of application.

The formation coursework is at a college level and the applicant should be able to function at that level.

A married applicant must have the permission of his wife to enter the formation program.

He also needs a letter of recommendation from his pastor attesting to the good character of the applicant as well as to a history of active lay ministry in the parish.


Deacon formation is a five-year program (aspirant for one year and candidate for 4). Aspirants and candidates should fully participate in coursework and related activities that are part of the formation process (classes, retreats, mentoring, spiritual direction, etc.).

If aspirant/candidate is married, wife is expected to participate in support activities and may participate in coursework to the extent she desires.

Formation involves mutual discernment. The aspirant/candidate attempts to discern his vocation and the formation team attempts to discern the presence of a diaconal vocation as well.


Anyone wishing to apply for the formation program must complete an application form providing information relevant to the review and selection process.

Attached to the application should be a “spiritual autobiography” providing information about their growth in the faith over the years, theirrelationship with the Lord and why they feel that they may have a vocation to the diaconate.

They will also need to arrange for the Department of Public Safety to provide the Diocese with a police clearance and criminal history.

They will also need a baptismal certificate with notations issued in the past six months.

Once the application materials are submitted, an interview will be arranged with the applicant and his wife (if married).

For those accepted into formation, sometime during the aspirant year the aspirant will need to have a psychological evaluation in order to remain in the formation program and move on to candidate status.

Application forms can be downloaded at https://rcdck.org/2019/07/deacon-formation-program/

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