Diocesan Youth Ministry will close the year with a “Youth Camp Night”

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By Julie Ann Loong, for the North Star

As 2019 comes to a close, the Youth Ministry of the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa along with Bishop Ryan cordially invite everyone to attend the upcoming Youth Camp Night scheduled for Friday, December 27. Registration begins at 3PM, followed by Mass in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Cathedral at 4:00PM, and then a Q&A with Bishop. The night will conclude with a Music Festival at the Mount Carmel School Gymnasium starting at 6:30PM and ending at 10:00PM. 

The theme of the evening will be “Christus Vivit” which translates to “Christ is Alive.” This is inspired by the words of Pope Francis earlier this year when he said, “In a powerful call to all Christian young people, youth are encouraged to truly live life to the fullest with Christ who, in a wonderful way, brings youth to our world, and everything he touches becomes young, new, and full of life.”

Any choir or group that wishes to participate in the festival is encouraged to do so and may contact their parish’s youth representative no later than December 20.

This is an ecumenical event, meaning it is open to the general public including our brothers and sisters from other Christian denominations. CCD students, altar servers, members of the parish level youth ministries, and all youth in our parishes are especially encouraged to attend. We look forward to a night of camaraderie– of fellowship and worship through music as one People of God. This is a time to gather and rejoice in this season of Advent because Jesus Christ continues to live today and forevermore.

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