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Goal Statement # 1
To establish the Diocesan Youth Ministry Office in our Diocese of Chalan Kanoa

1.1 To identify and employ a Diocesan Youth Ministry Director for the Diocese by end of January 2018.
2.1 To recruit at least one or two young people to serve on the Diocesan Youth Commission (DYC) by end of January 2018.

Goal Statement # 2
Implement youth programs and activities that will engage and inspire young people to responsible participation in the life, mission, and work of the Catholic faith community.


2.1 To choose a youth program that will be implemented in all parishes to inform and empower young people to live and lead as disciples of Christ by end of December 2018.
2.2 To create a youth program activity specifically for pre-confirmation, confirmation, and post-confirmation youths in all parishes that will broaden their knowledge and experiences needed to make a difference in their parish community by end of December 2022.
2.3 To develop a Christian Leadership Institute for the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa to foster leadership potential of young people by end of December 2018



Goal Statement: Marriage
To invite our parishioners to appreciate the Vocation of the Sacrament of Matrimony by providing an adequate marriage preparation program for our diocese.

1.1 Develop a diocesan policy manual on marriage preparation and wedding liturgy by January 2018.
1.2 Three (3) couples from Tinian and Rota and six (6) couples will be identified to participate in the Sponsor Couple Program by March 2018
1.3 All parishes will adopt and offer FOCCUS as their marriage preparation program through the Sponsor Couple by December 2018.
1.4 Annual training for all Sponsor Couples will be provided by December 2022
1.5 Host at least two (2) Marriage Encounter Weekends annually by December 2022
1.6 Conduct Group Weddings to at least 10 couples annually by December 2022

Goal Statement #1: Family Life
To nurture, strengthen, sustain and equip our families through various enrichment programs in becoming fully alive in Christ, while living the mission of the Holy Family.

The Diocese of Chalan Kanoa will offer at least three (3) enrichment programs annually that will enhance family spirituality by September 2022.

Goal Statement #2: Family Life
To conduct family visitations in each parish and be acquainted with families and to provide awareness on the Sacrament of Initiations

At least five (five) home visits will be conducted each month by all parishes by December 2022.

Goal Statement #3: Family Life
To promote a wholistic healthy ministry focus on healthy living for children, families and the clergies.

The Diocese of Chalan Kanoa will collaborate with public and non-public sectors to provide at-least four (4) wholistic healthy ministry to children,  families and the clergies by December 2022.

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