Diocesan Guidelines on Music in the Liturgy for the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa – Music in the Eucharistic Celebration

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Last week, LITURGY in our Diocese shared an overview of the contents of the Diocesan Guidelines on Music in the Liturgy.  This week, we focus our attention on how music plays an integral part in the Eucharistic Celebration. 

In the book Sacrosantum Concillium (Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy), the sacrament of the Eucharist is the center of the whole Christian life for the Church both universal and local, as well as for each of the faithful individually.

So, with that said, let us be aware of the following:

  • Liturgical worship is given a more noble form when they are celebrated solemnly in song, with ministers of degree fulfilling their ministry as well as active participation of the people.
  • In a Eucharistic celebration, when there are sufficient number of ministers who have the capacity to lead the singing well, then all parts that may be sung SHOULD be sung as much as possible.
  • It is proper and appropriate that the presider sings the liturgical prayers and texts with the people answering or responding also in song. But if the singing would be more of a distraction rather than a help, it is best that the presider says the prayers and the text in a loud and clear manner.
  • If we encounter a situation where there is lack of ministers in a Eucharistic celebration to lead the singing, the mass may be celebrated with no singing at all.
  • It should be noted that music in the individual parts of the Mass should correspond to the nature and meaning of each part.
  • In a Eucharistic Celebration, there are four (4) parts of the Mass which consisted of the following:
  1. Introductory Rite (Entrance Rite | Act of Penitence | Kyrie | Rite of  Blessing & Sprinkling of Holy Water | Gloria)
  2. Liturgy of the Word (1st Reading | Responsorial Psalm | 2nd Reading (if      any) |Gospel Acclamation | Profession of Faith | Prayer of the Faithful)
  3. Liturgy of the Eucharist (Presentation of Gifts | Sanctus (Holy, Holy) | Memorial/Eucharistic Acclamation (Mystery of Faith) | Great Amen | Lord’s Prayer and Doxology | Agnus Dei (Lamb of God) | Communion |Song of Praise)
  4. Concluding Rite (Song after Dismissal)

Next week we will focus on the details of the individual parts of the Mass.  Thank you and may God bless us all.

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