DID YOU KNOW? Quick Facts About Karidat

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For more information about any of the following, or to find out more about Karidat services, please call 234-6981 during regular business hours—Monday thru Friday, 8am- 5pm.

  • Karidat is a non-profit agency which has operated under the auspices of the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa for almost 38 years.
  • Karidat exists to serve those who are in need and of low-income in our island communities of Saipan, Tinian and Rota. Recipients of our services are pre-screened for income eligibility
  • Guma Esperansa, the domestic violence shelter,
    is not exclusively intended for women and men do avail themselves of the services as well. Dependent, minor children of an abuse victim are also welcome at the shelter. Our 24-hr Victim Hotline number is 234-5100.
  • Although Karidat does not operate a homeless shelter for the general public, we have occasional funds for temporary housing voucher assistance for people in need. Eligibility criteria apply.
  • Karidat does not discriminate on the basis of faith, gender, ethnicity or orientation. We are not permitted to show favoritism and our services are mostly offered on a first-come, first-serve basis, without discrimination.
  • Our staff Victim Advocate advises individuals who have suffered abuse about their rights before the law and accompanies them to scheduled court hearings.
  • Daily, Karidat accepts donations of used clothing and household items. These are distributed among the clients at Guma Esperansa, the visitors to our office location in Chalan Piao, or as needed for other crises (fire victims, etc.).
  • Our food pantry is operated in part thanks to the generous donations of individuals and community organizations. We have an annual food drive at Thanksgiving but there is an ongoing need for food in our pantry.

We need food donations!

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