Couples for Christ successfully concluded CLP

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Participants of Christian Life Program sponsored by Couples for Christ gathered at San Roque Church last weekend for a 2-day seminar to revive the Couples fpr Christ Ministry in Saipan after 21 years. Facilitators from Guam and Philippines led the event along with Fr. Allan A. Cabatian, OAR.

After 21 years, the program is rekindling its ministry in the island

By: Julie Anne Loong

The Couples for Christ is one of the handful of Christian life programs dedicated to members of the Church that want to fulfill God’s mission by strengthening their understanding of our faith. After 21 years, the program is rekindling its works in the island.

Beginning on September 1st and ending on the 2nd, over ten missionaries from Guam and Philippines gathered at San Roque Parish for a two day conference on the Christian Life Ministries.

Attendees were invited to sign up for the various ministries available which included the Couples for Christ, Servants of the Lord, Handmaids of the Lord, Singles for Christ, Youth for Christ, and Kids for Christ. Each accommodates individuals according to their marital status and situations. They participated in group discussions and listened to the 3 modules of 4 sessions that the missionaries preached which spoke of God’s love, the meaning of Christianity, who God really is, and other fundamental teachings of the Church.

The day started with an opening prayer followed by songs that focused on God’s mercy, love, and the fact that we should always do His will.

Father Allan Cabatian, OAR, was present to give a meaningful insight on who Jesus Christ is.

“Who is Jesus Christ in my life and everyone else’s life? He asked in the Gospel of Matthew, ‘Who do you say I am?’ We all have a different knowledge of him. It could come from a dogmatic source, from the teachings of the Church. More importantly, this understanding could come from personal experiences. People have romanticized the understanding of Jesus Christ, calling Him their best friend and such. I recognize Jesus Christ as my faithful God because even in my unfaithfulness, He remains faithful. He has the words of eternal life and is eternal life himself. He can reveal Himself to us in a more intimate way if we only expose ourselves to His divinity.””

Another beautiful talk was given by Eugene Galvo, a member of the Servants of the Lord from the Philippines regarding what it means to be a Christian.

“Christians aren’t only followers of Christ. They also must have a loving relationship with Him. Christianity was only and can only be initiated by God.”

Jess Ferrer, a missionary from Manila, Philippines and the overseer of the Couples for Christ in the Marianas and Federated States of Micronesia, had a few things to say for those who are interested in becoming a part of one of the ministries.

“Since we have been welcomed by Bishop Ryan, we hope to sustain the membership and let the number grow. We plan on visiting the missions on Saipan every few months to see the group development, and want to be in close coordination with the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa. We look forward to perhaps one day opening on the islands of Tinian and Rota. The CFC helps in the strengthening of marriages and family life. My family has been strengthened through it, and we’d like to share this gift with others.”

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