Representatives from Mt. Carmel Class of 1990 presented its first scholarship award to Nathaniel Snodgrass at the MCS graduation ceremony on May 28, 2017.

Class of 1990 Presented Scholarship Award

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In an effort to give back to its alma mater and to help strengthen the island workforce and community, Mt. Carmel Class of 1990 recently awarded a $1,000 scholarship to a graduating senior who won the scholarship by submitting an application that focused on a desire to return from college to give back to the islands.

The alumknights presented its first scholarship award to Nathaniel Snodgrass at the MCS graduation ceremony on May 28, 2017. In the scholarship online application, Nathaniel expressed his plan to “open up a civic academy together with various leaders in the community who are dedicated to promoting and preserving a quality democracy.” Snodgrass wants “to create an academy that sprouts future leaders and probably the greatest citizens the CNMI has ever seen.” Nathaniel will attend the Northern Marianas College this coming fall.

During the award presentation, MCS alum Donna Flores stated the intent of the new scholarship program is to support the applicant’s goals, “Our interest is the applicant’s interest and desire in coming home and helping our islands grow and develop- as most of my fellow classmates are doing now in various capacities within our public and private sectors.” Flores announced the class’s commitment to finance this scholarship program for a period of 10 years.

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