The former St. Catherine of Siena Church in Charlestown, Mass., which was closed in 2008, now has a Dollar Tree store in what was once the lower church. The Vatican is organizing a conference in November to help dioceses avoid the issue of deconsecrated, repurposed churches being used in inappropriate ways. (CNS photo/Gregory L. Tracy, The Pilot)

Guidelines needed for use of deconsecrated churches, cardinal says

Posted by - July 14, 2018

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The Vatican is helping organize an international conference meant to help dioceses work with their local communities in finding appropriate uses for decommissioned churches. The Pontifical Council for Culture, together with Rome’s Pontifical Gregorian University and the Italian bishops’ conference, will sponsor the gathering, titled “Doesn’t God Dwell Here Anymore? Decommissioning

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Italian journalist Paolo Ruffini has been appointed as head of the Vatican's Dicastery for Communication. Ruffini, who headed the television and radio network of the Italian bishops, will be the first layperson to head such a high-level Vatican dicastery. He is pictured in an undated photo provided by TV2000. (CNS photo/courtesy TV2000)

Pope names lay Italian journalist to head Vatican communications

Posted by - July 14, 2018

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Francis has named a lay Italian journalist with decades of experience in print, radio and television broadcasting to head the Vatican’s Secretariat for Communication. Paolo Ruffini, 61, who headed the Italian conference of Catholic bishops’ TV and radio network, was named prefect of the dicastery July 5, making him the

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Daniel Solares speaks June 23 during the Region II encuentro held June 22-24 in Albany, N.Y. As a delegate to the Region II encuentro, Solares echoed a message youth ministers have been sharing around the country during the process leading up to the National Fifth Encuentro to be held this fall. (CNS photo/Joaquin Badajoz, The Tablet)

Church urged to approach young people, listen to them, hear their needs

Posted by - July 14, 2018

ALBANY, N.Y. (CNS) — As a delegate to the Region II encuentro held recently in Albany, Daniel Solares echoed a message youth ministers have been sharing around the country during the process leading up to the National Fifth Encuentro to be held this fall. “This is the time to listen to young people. … And,

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Father Tony Van Hee, 81, who has prayed and fasted on Parliament Hill for an end to abortion every day the House of Commons is in session for almost 30 years, is seen outside Parliament June 20 in Ottawa, Ontario. (CNS photo/Deborah Gyapong, The Catholic Register)

Priest keeps anti-abortion vigil on Parliament Hill for nearly 30 years

Posted by - July 14, 2018

OTTAWA, Ontario (CNS) — Jesuit Father Tony Van Hee says nearly three decades spent fasting and praying on Parliament Hill to end abortion have been the best years of his life. At age 81, he has no plans of slowing down, despite a raft of rule changes that, among many restrictions, even limit his bathroom

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Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte is seen in Seoul, South Korea, June 5. During a technology summit in the southern city of Davao, Philippines, June 22, he questioned how Adam and Eve brought about "original sin." (CNS photo/Jeon Heon-Kyun, EPA)

Duterte says he’ll curb tirades, then tells bishops not to criticize him

Posted by - July 14, 2018

MANILA, Philippines (CNS) — Outspoken Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte is to curb his tirades against the Catholic Church after agreeing to a moratorium on statements deriding priests and bishops. reported the presidential palace announced the president’s decision after a 30-minute meeting July 9 between Duterte and Archbishop Romulo Valles of Davao, president of the

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Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, right, greets Archbishop Romulo Valles of Davao, president of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines, before a meeting inside the presidential palace in Manila. (CNS photo/Rey Baniquet, Presidential Photographers Division via EPA)

Philippine bishops announce days of prayer, fasting, penance for peace

Posted by - July 14, 2018

MANILA, Philippines (CNS) — Catholic bishops in the Philippines, concerned about an increase in violence and police reaction to crime, announced a day of prayer and penance July 16 and three days of fasting, prayer and penance, July 17-19. The bishops said they wanted to “invoke God’s mercy and justice on those who have blasphemed

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Doug Pederson, head football coach of the Philadelphia Eagles, speaks at an American Bible Society event June 11 in Philadelphia on how important his Christian faith is to him and to players on the Super Bowl-champion team. (CNS photo/courtesy American Bible Society)

‘Nothing is done without prayer,’ says Philadelphia Eagles coach

Posted by - July 14, 2018

PHILADELPHIA (CNS) — Faith and football connected for a gain at a recent dinner in downtown Philadelphia sponsored by the American Bible Society and attended by nearly 1,000 folks who have faith and almost certainly are Philadelphia Eagles fans. The featured guest celebrity and an obvious draw for the event was Philadelphia’s favorite coach of

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New archbishops are seen as Pope Francis celebrates Mass marking the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican June 29. At the conclusion of the Mass the pope presented palliums in boxes to dozens of new archbishops from around the world. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)

Pope at pallium Mass: Jesus wants disciples unafraid to aid others

Posted by - July 7, 2018

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — God wants his disciples to bring his mercy and love to everyone, everywhere on earth, which means it may cost them their “good name,” comfort and their life, Pope Francis said on the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul. Following Christ requires “that we open our hearts to the Father and

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Parishioners of St. Veronica's Church in North Philadelphia march down a neighborhood street and pray the rosary under the banner of Our Lady of Guadalupe June 24. (CNS photo/Sarah Webb,

‘Putting Mary everywhere’ a goal of parish’s Marian Mission, procession

Posted by - July 7, 2018

PHILADELPHIA (CNS) — A grand street procession dedicated to Mary through North Philadelphia’s busy neighborhoods on a recent Sunday was a highlight of St. Veronica Parish’s days-long Marian Mission. “Putting Mary everywhere” is a major goal of St. Veronica parishioners, said Incarnate Word Father Joseph LoJacono, the pastor. The particular title of Mary honored during

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In this 2015 file photo, Bishop Edward B. Scharfenberger of Albany, N.Y., is seen at the Crypt Church of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington. He was one of several bishops who joined 300 Hispanic Catholic lay leaders at the Region II encuentro June 22-24 in Albany. (CNS photo/Bob Roller)

Focus on family ministry must be among church’s priorities, say delegates

Posted by - July 7, 2018

ALBANY, N.Y. (CNS) — One focus at the Region II encuentro in Albany June 22-24 was a need for the Catholic Church to focus on family ministry. Because families are the foundation of society, evangelized families would transform the world, Albany Bishop Edward B. Scharfenberger told Catholic News Service. “We reflect God’s divinity in our

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