Blessed Margarita Maria Maturana Triduum of Remembrance

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ON JULY 25-Feast of Sr. James, the Apostle– there was a Celebration of the Eucharist at Mt. Carmel Cathedral, presdided by Bishop Ryan Jimenez. Blessed Margarita Maria Maturana, Foundress of the Missionaries of Berriz was also commemorated on the occasion of the conclusion of her “Triduum of Remembrance.”

At the conclusion of the Mass, those woman graced with the name of Margarita, Margaret, or Daisy as a given name or Con rmation name, received a blessing as did the members of the Committee for the Canonization of Blessed Margarita Maria Maturana for the continuation of their work.

The Margaritas and the children of the choir received a daisy pen, a symbol of Mother

Margarita, who was a proli c writer, as well as the current Hoja 23, the promotional pam- phlet of Blessed Margarita’s Cause, which features the recent March 4th, 90th Anniversary of the arrival of the Mercedarian Sisters to Saipan.

Heartfelt gratitude to all those who came to join the celebration!

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