Bishop Ryan: “Re-dedicate ourselves to the mission as a community of faith”

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“Religious instruction will not just be about teaching doctrines, but always include the witness of the Gospel!”

By Julie Ann Loong, for the North Star

Attending Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, better known as CCD, has been a tradition in the Catholic church practiced generation after generation. Adults will remember their parents telling them, “Go attend the lutrina,” and now, they do the same for their children. CCD is not only a time for the students to learn more about the faith, but to also discover where they stand in this faith and our church.

In last week’s article written by Sister Nina Caccam, SJBP, the background and meaning behind Catechetical Sunday was explained and the year’s theme was announced: “Stay with Us.” With this theme, we can pause and think, “Do we allow God to stay with us? To be with us?”  Last Sunday, September 15, 2019, Catechetical Sunday arrived on our island.

Bishop Ryan Jimenez presided over the 9:00AM mass in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Cathedral for the Commissioning of CCD Coordinators. He was assisted by Deacon Rosiky Camacho. In attendance were parishioners and seated on the front pews were the diocesan CCD coordinators and assistant coordinators from every parish on Saipan. They are the ones who volunteer and give their time to teach the faith to the youth in our parishes.

“Catechetical Sunday is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the role that is placed by the sacrament of baptism: in handing on the faith and being a witness to the gospel. It is also an opportunity for all to rededicate ourselves to the mission as a community of faith,” said Bishop Ryan in his introduction at the start of the mass. In giving his homily, Bishop gave facts and examples about the importance of faith formation found in the catechesis given to the youth. He stated,

“Some time last year, St Mary’s Press did a study titled The Dynamics of Disaffiliation in Young Catholics. One of the most alarming findings of research was that youth stopped identifying as Catholics at a median age of 13. Reasons for this ranged from disbelief to dissatisfaction with church teachings. A sociologist, Christian Smith, said that many of these young people tend to have weak signs of attachment to the church in the first place. They weren’t formed well in the faith. Thus, the role of us catechists is important. We can become instruments in making them stay in church. Thus, this year’s theme, as we celebrate Catechetical Sunday, is, “Stay with us.” There is a reference we see in the story on the road to Emmaus. When the disciples finally recognized the risen Lord through the breaking of the bread, the disciples said, ‘Stay with us, Lord.’

“The catechist is the one who teaches in the name of the church– who brings the church’s teachings to the world. Pope Francis released the document Christus Vivit and he said, ‘In addition to doctrine and morality, it is important that we have two main goals in our catechesis. One is the development of the Kerygma, the foundation of the experience of our encounter with God through Christ’s death and resurrection. The other is growth in fraternal love, community life, and service. All Christian relation consists of entering more deeply into the Kerygma, the Word, the Scripture, and incarnated more fully in our lives.’ So what Pope Francis invites all of us to know is that it’s not just enough to pay attention to the word of God, but let the Word of God be translated into real life situations.

We should find joy in what we are doing. We find strength and consolation through God’s love, God’s mercy.”

Each parish has been preparing for the upcoming year, and although some still face challenges left by Typhoon Yutu, everyone can admit that they remain optimistic.

When Rosemond Santos from Santa Soledad Parish was asked about the upcoming CCD school year, she responded by saying, “I’m excited to meet the new kids. I catechize Pre-Confirmation. I like the faith formation of that level because I think a lot of them have forgotten the sacraments, and it’s nice to see their reactions when you explain to them the graces that the sacraments to offer. I’m always excited to see their reactions when they come to a better understanding of our sacraments and our faith.”

Parents may be wondering what preparations were made to ensure the best possible teachings of the faith for our children. Sister Nina said that this year, “We started with the commissioning of the coordinators today, then next Sunday will be the commissioning of the catechists. We’ve had all our formations before that, but we are focusing on the Child Protection Policy. As for preparations, for the things we need to do, we need to prepare our hearts. Bishop Ryan is always saying that this is a great task because we have the great responsibility. We have to go through the different lives of the young people, especially now that the call for the church is to bring back those who become ‘religious nones.’ Our mission is to bring back all those who are lost, hoping that the religious instruction will not just be about teaching doctrines, but always include the witness of the gospel, and that is the gospel of the love and mercy of God.”

With our 9 CCD coordinators and their assistant coordinators, we are looking forward to another year of passing the faith to the next generation. It is important that the faith is instilled in our children so that this can be a guide for them as they continue to grow. As Sister Nina mentioned, we are emphasizing the Child Protection Policy in our parishes. To read more about this policy, visit the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa website at CCD registration is still ongoing until September 30, 2019. If you are interested in enrolling your child into Pre Holy Communion, Holy Communion, Post Holy Communion, Pre Confirmation, or Confirmation, or if you wish to sign up for RCIA, please speak to your parish representative and fill out the form. Registration fees are $10 per student, and a copy of the Baptismal certificate is required.

Sacraments bring graces, and the classes between the classes are important to maintain and build the understanding and appreciation for the faith, so you are fully encouraged by the church to enrol. God bless and we look forward to a great school year!

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