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Better Catholics – Ep. 8: Youth Ministry

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How important is youth ministry in our parishes?  

The Church is not exclusive to adults.  The younger generations are as much a part of the Body of Christ as the older ones. However, it is certainly true that youth engagements in the church is shrinking.  Imagine how the church would look like in the future if this trend continues.  Our diocese is cognizant of the importance of ministering to these young people hence it was included as a priority ministry in the last pastoral plan.  Admittedly, more can still be done to encourage them to be active members.  Perhaps through more activities that will capture their interests or acknowledging their gifts as the young people certainly have unique perspective and talents to offer.  

As we slowly emerge from this pandemic expect more activities by and for our youth either in the parish or diocesan levels.  Let us all give our full support to them to foster a more vibrant church in the CNMI.

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