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Better Catholics – Ep. 30:  Let’s talk about Faith (Part 1)

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In this episode, Fr. Kenneth Masong sits down with Bishop Ryan Jimenez and Fr. Melvin Avilla to discuss what “faith” is.  We learn that faith, along with hope and love, is one of the theological virtues according to St. Paul in 1 Corinthians 13:13.  We also learn that faith is our response to God’s grace in order to affirm the truth that God is presenting to us. 

We all journey gradually towards God. In the beginning, we were created in the image and likeness of God, and therefore are good.  But our life experiences and choices have led us away.  And since we are truly designed to be good our tendency therefore is to go back to God.  Faith involves the ascent of our minds to recognize the existence of God and the truth that He is revealing to us.

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