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Better Catholics – Ep. 29: Recoletos – Missionaries in the Marianas

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A couple of months ago, we were privileged with a pastoral visit from the Prior Provincial of the Order of Augustinian Recollects, Fr. Bernard Amparado, OAR. His visit is in keeping with his appointment as the new head of their congregation, particularly the Province of St. Ezekiel Moreno.

The OAR’s presence here in our diocese, particularly in the island of Rota, is significant because historical records will show that this is not the first time that the Order has established a community here as they have been assigned as missionaries in our islands back in 1769.

As missionary priests, the Recollects go where there is a need and serve the Church accordingly – may it be through parish administration or evangelization in a school setting. Furthermore, they are called to a life that is austere, monastic, and prayerful.

Let us continue to pray for our OAR priests in Rota, all the other priests and religious men and women serving our diocese, as well as for increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious life.

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