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Better Catholics – Ep. 22: A Listening Church

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The diocesan phase of the Synod on Synodality has concluded a few months ago and after a series of dialogues with focus groups a report has been sent to the Bishop’s Conference in our region. From among all the reports of every jurisdiction in the Pacific a document will be put together for submission to Rome, who will then determine, and relay back to us, what concerns are shared in common within the region.

The fruits of said dialogue with target sectors will not only be just for that particular report but also will be used for our next diocesan pastoral plan. Our current one is about to conclude this year and so the outcome of the consultations will be helpful in crafting the next plan starting next year. Hence, it is really important for the local church to hear from its people so that plans can be made that would hopefully address their concerns.

The listening process truly never stops, and all voices are welcome. Have you participated yet?

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