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Better Catholics – Ep. 19: The Ultimate Diocesan Youth Summer Camp & Sportsfest

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The Diocese of Chalan Kanoa Youth Ministry is planning to hold a gathering in Tinian this coming September 3-5, 2022.  In line with Pope Francis’ call for a Synodal Church, this year’s event aims to gather young people in the CNMI for a few days of listening and dialogue, mixed-in with celebration of Sacraments and many fun-filled physical activities.

 This year’s event is going to be a combination of camp and sportsfest.  We used to hold these two activities separately in the past but the COVID-19 pandemic and restrictions on large public gatherings prompted us to temporarily suspend them in 2020.  In 2021, a youth gathering on a smaller scale was held here in Saipan.  Now, as the community continue to successfully manage the risks associated with the pandemic, and calling to mind Pope Francis’ mission, we plan to expand this year’s event and open it up not only to those already active in the church but also to all other young people in the community. And for the first time, we will welcome participants from the island of Rota.

 The diocese aspires to inspire the community, particularly the youth, to live healthier lifestyles – physically, mentally, and most importantly spiritually.  We envision this event, and with all the activities lined-up over this 3-day weekend, to tick all the marks and help provide the motivation they need.

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