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Better Catholics – Ep. 15:  Pastorelle Sisters

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What makes a religious sister joyful?  How is their daily life like?  Why is their presence in the parishes important especially on how it speaks about the role of women in the church?

Sr. Cynthia Angalot, SJBP joined us for a conversation in this episode.  She belongs to the Sisters of Jesus the Good Shepherd or most commonly known as the Pastorelle Sisters.  The congregation was founded by Blessed James Alberione on October 7, 1938 and their charism consists in sharing the pastoral mission of Christ, collaborating with the pastors in building up the Christian community.  With a current membership of more than 500 the Pastorelle Sisters are present in 19 countries scattered over 5 continents.  Our diocese is very fortunate and very grateful to have them since 2002, i.e., two decades of service in our community.  We pray for their continuous help and presence here in our beloved diocese.

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