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Better Catholics – Ep. 13:  Pros & Cons of Social Media

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How addicted are you to social media?  Likes, follows, and emojis are jargons that are so ingrained in our daily speech because of the rise of social media.  Almost everyone nowadays is either on their phones or tablets all the time connecting to friends or families, playing games, posting or commenting on their favorite platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Snapchat, Twitter, TikTok, etc.  This is the new reality and we have adapted to it very well.

Like many things, the popularity of social media brings with it many positives and negatives in our lives.  We highly encourage you to join our panel in their discussion.  How has social media become beneficial to you?  In what way has it been detrimental?  What do you think is its future?  How can the church use it to fulfill its mission?


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