Be a loaf of bread and a fish to others

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Christ is the fulfillment of God’s promises. His coming provided healing and rich feast for the people. He cured the sick, and fed the big crowd out of seven loaves of bread and some fish. In the Gospel of Matthew 15: 29-27, we see Jesus’ mercy and love in action on the mountainside of Galilee curing the lame, the mute and restoring sight to the blind. The people were utterly mesmerized when they saw those crippled from birth walk and restored to good health. They praised God for the amazing events unfolding before their eyes. They know that only almighty God can do all these wonderful miracles. With that, they speculated that Jesus could be the Messiah. Their suspicion even grew stronger when Jesus fed the big crowd with merely seven loaves of bread and a few fish. “ A feast of rich food and choice wines” used by Isaiah refers to the Messiah’s coming among us. He will wipe away the tears from all faces, remove reproach from the earth, free all people from the cudgels of sin and evil, overcome the greatest obstacles to lasting happiness. (Isaiah 25:6-10). All these were fulfilled in Jesus Christ.

The Holy Eucharist is God’s gift to us, a divine life that He gives us. We must share this life with others through our charity, love and mercy especially to the poor, the sick. We are like the apostles confronted with a situation in our world where we see a lot of suffering, pain, injustice, discrimination, lawlessness, racism, people living in abject poverty and ignorance, and many other heart-breaking human conditions happening around us and yet we are incapable of doing something about them because all we have are, “ Seven Loaves of Bread and a Few Fish”. What are these among so many?

If we humbly offer to Jesus our “ Seven Loaves and a Few Fish ”, and trust His power, he can do wonders for us. He will teach us how we can be “loaves of bread and fish” to our neighbor.

But if we keep what we have tightly in our hands and not share, then we’re complicit to the misery of the poor and hungry people.

May I suggest to you a good Reflection during this season of Advent: “ HOW CAN I BE “ A FEW LOAVES OF BREAD AND A FEW FISH TO MY NEIGHBOR? ”

On the flip side, someone said that even if you hear a bad story about yourself, there was a time that you were good to those people, but they won’t tell you it. Understanding is deeper than knowledge for many know you, but very few  understand you. The sun loves the moon very much that he dies every night to let her shine. Only those who care about you understand your silence. People have more to hide than what they show. There are those who say a lot of things, but just watch what they do. It is said that shallow waters are loud, deep waters are silent. Behind every favorite song, there’s an untold story or a story related to your life and yourself. When someone asks you to listen to a song, it’s because the lyrics mean everything they’re trying to say. Amen on that folks!!   

St. Faustina wrote Jesus’ words; “ Tell the world about My mercy and love.”( Diary 1074).

Pray the Divine Mercy every 3 p.m. Daily pray the Chaplet of Mercy and the Holy Rosary for peace in our families and in the world.

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