Appointment of the Apostolic Nuncio to New Zealand, CEPAC, and Apostolic Delegate to the Pacific Islands

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The Holy Father has appointed His Excellency, Archbishop Gábor PINTÉR as the Apostolic Nuncio to New Zealand, CEPAC, and Apostolic Delegate to the Pacific Islands.

This appointment is officially published today, July 27, 2024, at noontime in Rome.

Curriculum Vitae

– Born in Kunszentmarton, Hungary, on 9 March 1964.

– Ordained Catholic Priest on 11 June 1988.

– Incardinated at the Diocese of Vac (Hungary).

– PhD in Theology and PhD in Canon Law.

– Entered the Diplomatic Service of the Holy See on 1 July 1996, and subsequently served in Haiti, Bolivia, Sweden, France, Philippines and Austria.

– Appointed Apostolic Nuncio to Belarus on 13 May 2016 and named Titular Bishop of Velebusdo.

– Appointed Apostolic Nuncio to Honduras, on 12 November 2019.

– Languages: Italian, English, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Swedish and Hatian Creole.

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