An Original Message for 2017 written in rhyme

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This is dedicated to “Father Jesse at Santa Soledad” for inspiring this message when he said in so many words that “God will help those who will help themselves and those who can’t help them-self.” He reminded me of a sermon once preached by my former Pastor the late Rev. Wm. Milton Fields Jr. when he preached about “If you will take one step then God will make two”. Father Jesse talked about how people need to come to church and pray for them-self – and not stay on home putting your prayers on the shelf and thinking God is going to help. God is with us and for us every step of the way – but sometimes he is waiting for us to take the first step so he can make TWO! Prayer is a very special thing but if you haven’t done all you can they why ask God – it’s called being lazy. God automatically watches out for the mentally challenged people but us normal folks can’t get that FREE ride of GRACE! God is always waiting on you to act first as this is yOUR life not his so learn to take the first step before asking God to take two.

Written in poetic form to rhyme: True Christians go to church after do- ing all they can do to say their prayers – to make sure they have reached the man upstairs. Praying at home and even in your car is still OK – but every Christian should know that prayers alone is not God’s way. God wants to see you on Sunday saying your prayers on his HOLy Ground – not sitting at home or somewhere playing around. God knows you can’t always be there to praise his name – but you shouldn’t be somewhere else doing things that has you living in-vain. God has put the earnest on you to decide what you want to do – and for many their dreams don’t happen because their own efforts are way overdue. God doesn’t decide our life for us – but lets us decide on our own without a fuss. God just watches and waits for us to call for help – but if we don’t take the first step then you might end up by yourself. God will always take two steps if you make the first – so make sure you start out by coming to church. Thanks Father Jesse for this wisdom.

“you Take One Step God Will Make Two”

A Metaphoric Poem By: Ambrose Milton Bennett

People are always praying for something for God to do But many don’t know God is actually waiting on you God is not the director of our life
As you are the one who must toil and deal with strife

God seldom comes when he is not called
And your failure to make the first step may be your own downfall God will help you to do almost everything you want to do
But if you don’t take the first step then God may as well be through

And don’t go sitting at the Poker Machine praying for a win Because God sees prayers for gamblers as a real evil sin Even if you win at Poker and think it’s a blessing
you need to know that is just the Devil’s evil Dressing

So the next time you pray for God to help you with a blessing
Make sure you take the first step so God won’t just be resting
you take one step and God will make two
But if you don’t take the first step then God may not be with you! “God will come without a call – but only for those who can’t help their cause.

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