AIDS Carrier

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They say that nowadays senior citizens, myself included, are the leading carriers of AIDS: walking aids, hearing aids, visual aids, retirement aids, food aids, band aids, financial aids, medical aids and nursing aids. Let us be carriers of aids to the un-aided and the less fortunate. Many are living in poverty line out there, mendicants abound in some of our street corners some with children under the heat of the sun begging for aids.

Let us not point fingers to blame anyone but ourselves for we all share the responsibility to love and care for our neighbor as commanded by our Lord.Let’s share what we have with the have-nots, give from the heart even for a small thing because it means big to the receiver and much more to God. In my parish at San Vicente , Barrigada, I asked for volunteers who can share their time, talent and treasure to teach basic computer knowledge to our Man’amko or elderly to bridge the generational gap so they could also enjoy this wonderful gift of God. Interested party please contact Fr. Joel at our parish office at 734-4573. Thank you.

We need Divine aids. we cannot live without God, as Jesus said; “ I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me, and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing”. ( John 15:5). We need God in our life journey as we encounter distractions to live a good life. we need His aid to reconcile with our enemy. There may be some setbacks but there’s always God’s grace and mercy to sustain and strengthen us. Remember that God is leading you somewhere. No matter what’s going on in your life, everything is the way it is for a reason. Have faith in His divine plan. It is said that when you run alone, it is called race; when God runs with you it’s called grace. “ You can always run to Me and I’ll protect you”. ( Proverbs 18:1). Let’s bear in mind that answers are found in prayer. (Mt. 21:22)

”Some people are boastful and proud as if they can live alone without the aid of God, relying in their power, money, and fame. Others are so self-conceited as not to welcome help to solve their problem, nor appreciate the good done to them. whenever I hear someone boasting I’m amused at the same time feel pity for I think that person has deficiency called “ LA” that is, “Lacks Attention”.

On the flip side, someone said that life was never meant to be lived without God. Act in such a manner that you are living proof of a living God. “ Lord, let them see you in me” must always be our prayer. when you are tempted to lose patience, think how patient God has been with you all the time. Do you know what “SEE” means? “ Start with God, Entreat God and End with God”. Amen on that folks!!

St. Faustina wrote Jesus words; “ It is not for the success of a work, but for the suffering that I give reward”. ( Diary no. entry 90).

Pray the Divine Mercy every 3 p.m. Daily pray the Chaplet of Mercy and the holy Rosary for peace in our families and throughout the world.

Much thanks to David and Rosa Espinosa for receiving me and Divine Mercy prayer team for the presentation of the Divine Mercy devotion and veneration of the Sacred Relic of St. Faustina in their home in Santa Rita last Sunday afternoon, June 10, 2018 . May God bless you and your family always.

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