A Triduum of Remembrance

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     This month has a triduum (three days) which you can mark on your calendar to remember Mother Margarita.

     The bookends of life are our Birthday—the day we enter into life and the day of our death—the day that we enter eternal life.  Such are July 25 and July 23, respectively, for Mother Margarita.

     How then did July 24 become Mother Margarita’s Feast Day? 

     At her Beatification in 2006 a day was assigned to her by the Universal Church.  Since July 25 was already the Feast of St. James, the Patron of Spain, and July 23 that of St. Bridget—the day between was chosen.

     Thus, for the Mercedarian Missionaries of Berriz, the religious community which she founded, and by extension all those who pray to Mother Margarita throughout the world, these three days of remembrance have evolved.

     Pray during this triduum that she may soon be made a Saint.

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