A New Office Location and a Temporary Pause in Services

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As of this week, the Karidat office will now be located at the new Sister Remedios Community Center in Chalan Kanoa (directly south of Mt. Carmel Cathedral, about 2 city blocks away).

We have now closed our Chalan Piao location for good.

The new space has a fresh coat of paint, along with some new flooring, fixtures and amenities. It is very exciting to watch it all come together and see the school transformed, while still retaining its historical character at the heart of this community!

While the renovations continue and we work to get settled in, we have had to temporarily suspend our regular services and outreach. Our tentative date to reopen is set for July 9th.

That doesn’t mean you won’t be able to reach us, though! In an emergency, please call the Victim Hotline number which will remain active 24hrs, as usual.  Hotline # 234-5100.

(All of our other contact information including our main office phone numbers will remain the same upon reopening. Guma Esperansa, the Domestic Violence shelter, will operate as usual during this time.)

Last week’s column was a “Social justice principles” quiz.  The answers are as follows: Dignity of Life: answer d, Call to Community: f, Rights and Responsibilities: b, Option for the Poor: g, Dignity of Work: c,Solidarity: a, Our Earthly Home: e.

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