35 years as a diocese: a sign of growth and maturity

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Some of our elderly parishioners today will still probably remember that historic day when news had arrived from Rome of the erection of the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa 35 years ago. Probably, most of the faithful back then could not fully comprehend and process the news immediately – the significance and what it meant for the local church of Northern Marianas – until news of the Episcopal appointment of then Msgr. Tomas Camacho came and his eventual ordination as the first bishop of Chalan Kanoa on January 13, 1985.

The formal erection of the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa was promulgated by the Apostolic Letter of St. Pope John Paul II, “Properamus Nos”. But what did it mean for the Church in Northern Marianas back then and more importantly why is it even more important for us today to celebrate that historic event?

November 8, 1984 should be mark down as one of the most significant milestones in the history of the Catholic Church in Northern Marianas Islands, because the canonical establishment as a diocese and the appointment of a local bishop, signifies the growth and maturity of Christianity in our local church.


Christianity have first arrived in the Marianas Islands in 1668 with the arrival of Blessed Diego Luis de San Vitores and his companions, one of whom was Fr. Luis de Medina who labored in the Northern Marianas Island and eventually received the glorious crown of martyrdom at Laulau Bay.

The first Church built in Saipan in Garapan was dedicated to San Isidro since it was believed that Blessed Diego and the missionaries first arrived in Saipan on the Feast day of San Isidro. From the humble beginning of the first announcement of the Good News in this part of the world, the seed of faith has slowly but consistently grown in the hearts of the people, thanks to the zeal and dedication of many missionaries – priests, religious and catechists – who tirelessly labored to sustain and nourish the faith of the people through the Word of God and the Sacraments.

Ecclesiastically and politically, the Northern Islands were together with Guam from the beginning. At the end of the Spanish-American War in 1898 however, Guam was split from the rest of the Marianas Islands politically. The Northern Islands were then taken out ecclesiastically and placed under the Carolines and Marshall Islands until July 4, 1946 when they were put back together with Guam again. For the next 38 years, the Northern Marianas was under the diocesan jurisdiction of Guam.

The seed of faith remained strong and vibrant as well in the hearts of the faithful who made sure to transmit the same Christian faith to their children and grandchildren until today. In the recent Ad Limina visit of the CEPAC bishops, Pope Francis spoke to the bishops about the role of the lay catechists in the evangelization of the islands in the Pacific. Even today, thanks to our local catechists, our younger generation are introduced to the basic element of our faith through the witness of their lives.


Just like any plants or fruit trees, its maturity is measured by its fruits.

These past 35 years of the Church of Chalan Kanoa as a diocese have also seen numerous fruits. Bishop Emeritus Tomas Camacho passed away last year but the Lord has provided the diocese with another Shepherd in the person of Bishop Ryan Jimenez. Since becoming bishop 3 years ago, Bishop Ryan has built upon what Bishop Tomas has started and immediately initiated a new Diocesan Pastoral Plan. At the moment, we are now in the middle of the implementation of this Pastoral Plan, focusing on 5 Ministry Priorities – Evangelization & Faith Formation, Liturgy, Marriage and Family Life, Youth Ministry and Social Justice.

Since becoming a diocese, there were 11 priests ordained including one in the Capuchin Order. Although, we continue to pray for more vocation to the priesthood.

Most recently, Bishop Ryan ordained five men to be permanent deacons and they are now serving in different parishes. The diocese is continuing its Permanent Deaconate Program for those who feel called by God in this ministry.

To respond to the changing demographics in the CNMI, the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa has also invited some priests from the Philippines to serve the large Filipino community in the Commonwealth. Recently, Bishop Ryan also re-activated the Refaluwasch Ministry to respond to the pastoral needs of the Carolinian community.

The current Pastoral Plan being implemented has provided renewed vitality in other areas of pastoral ministry like the pastoral care for the youth, marriage and family life, religious education and liturgy. Through the newly organized Commission on Social Justice, the diocese also hopes to be more active in the community to engage pastorally in the different social issues of our society.

Certainly, there are still many social and pastoral challenges ahead but celebrating this anniversary of the erection of the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa provides all of us with a unique opportunity to pause, reflect and look back to what the Lord has done in our local Church so that encouraged by His mercy and fidelity we can continue our journey of faith, handing it faithfully and joyfully to the next generations.

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