On February 3rd, Sister Flor de Maria Alvarez, a member of the Mercedarian Missionaries of Berriz arrived to Saipan. She is the General Postulator of her Institute, working for the canonization of their Foundress, Blessed Margarita Maria. Sister is not new to the island, since she was in mission here in the 1980’s and even taught at Mount Carmel Elementary School.
It is well known, that ever since the arrival of the Mercedarian Missionaries to Saipan in 1928, there has been much devotion to Mother Margarita. For that reason, Sister Flor de Maria wanted to share the present situation of her Cause for Canonization and encourage the people to continue praying through the intercession of Blessed Margarita Maria. Sister is encouraging the people to do everything on their part, to see that the Cause will reach that happy moment of Canonization.
Blessed Margarita Maria was beatified on October 22, 2006 at the Cathedral of St. James, in the city of Bilbao (in the Basque Country) of Spain. Now, everyone who has much devotion to Blessed Margarita Maria is awaiting her canonization which can happen in two different ways: through the approval of another miracle (besides the one already approved for the Beatification) or through an “Equivalent Canonization”, which does not require a second miracle.
Sister Flor de Maria met last week with some Mt. Carmel alumni, friends and benefactors of the Mercedarian Missionaries, as well as with the Bishop and the clergy. She spoke with much enthusiasm about Mother Margarita and asked all of them to pray with perseverance and much faith, requesting God to soon grant the grace of the Canonization of Blessed Margarita Maria.
We welcome Sister Flor de Maria and hope that with the sincere desires of the people of Saipan and her consistent efforts Blessed Margarita Maria will be canonized, that is recognized as a Saint, in the Universal Church.